Overcoming Insomnia

This worksheet is designed to help people overcome insomnia and get more sleep.

Getting Motivated

This worksheet is designed to help people motivate themselves to accomplish a task or address a problem. (motivation, problem-solving, depression, anxiety disorders)

Getting Active To Treat Depression

This worksheet is designed to help people see that daily activity can help with depression. PDF

Daily Gratitude

This mini-poster can be used to help remind people of the importance of gratitude in their lives. (gratitude, wellness)

Types of Medication for Depression & Anxiety

This chart summarizes common medications used for depression and anxiety. PDF

Learn About Feelings

Use this worksheet to help kids and teens talk about basic feelings.Form Type: PDF

Understanding Your Self-Esteem

This worksheet is designed to help people see if they perceive their positive and negative qualities accurately.

Seeing How Others Value You

This worksheet helps people who are depressed see their importance to others.

Identifying Symptoms of Depression

This worksheets helps clients identify the symptoms that define their depressions. (depression)

Changing the Channel on Depression

This worksheet is designed to help people develop the thoughts and behaviors that will aid them in overcoming their depression. Form Type: PDF