Do Something Different

This simple behavior assignment can help people who feel they are stuck in unhealthy patterns. (0815, quick assignment, behavior change)

Scribble Your Feelings

This simple assignment can help people get in touch with their feelings. (0815, art therapy)

Understanding Your Emotions When You Are Upset

This worksheet is designed to help people identify a specific situation when they were upset and identify strategies for managing their emotions during difficult times in the future. (EQ, emotional intelligence, coping techniques, 1022)

Asking for What You Want and Need

This worksheet is designed to help people think about how assertive they are when they ask for something.

Feeling Better Through Spiritual Awareness

This worksheet is designed to help individuals who wish to bring spirituality into their lives as a way to help them with emotional problems and enrich their day-to-day lives. (spirituality, 0515)

Understanding the Messages You Received As A Child

This worksheet is designed to help people examine the explicit and implicit messages they received as children and how these messages affect their self-image and self-efficacy. (0415)

Domestic Violence Safety Plan

This form can be used to help women increase their degree of safety and make appropriate choices for themselves and their children. Sections include what to do after a violent incident, what to think about when leaving an abusive situation, how to be safe in your own home, what to take when leaving, and more. (domestic violence, trauma, abuse, relationships, 1120)

Looking at the Big Picture

This worksheet is designed to help people put their problems into perspective. Taking an art therapy approach, people draw their small problems in little frames and the important things in their lives in the big frame. This worksheet can be a good opening to introduce a discussion about values. (values, art therapy, problem-solving, 0215)

Coping Strategies for Recovering From a Break-Up

This worksheet presents strategies to help people recovering from the break-up of a relationship and encourages them to come up with their own coping techniques. (divorce, relationships, coping strategies, 1115)

Accepting Unpleasant Experiences

This worksheet, derived from Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT), is designed to help people accept unpleasant internal experiences, and not use them as an excuse to avoid life-affirming situations.