Exit Interview Checklist

This worksheet gives clinicians guidelines on conducting an exit interview as well as a list of questions and issues to address with clients. (1223, interviews)

Setting Up a Client File

This checklist can be used by clinicians to make sure they are correctly organizing the paperwork for a new client. (1123, practice management, paperwork, organization)

Child Therapy Contract

This form can be used when treating children to explain the responsibilities of the therapist in providing therapy to children or teens. (0623, therapy contract)

Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act (HIPAA): Client Rights and Therapist Duties

This Practice Management Form contains important information about federal law, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), that provides privacy protections and patient rights regarding the use and disclosure of client Protected Health Information (PHI) used for the purpose of treatment, payment, and health care operations.  (0523, practice management)

Explanation of Fees Form

This Practice Management Form is designed to ensure transparency and clarity around practice fees and it includes an explanation of the financial aspects of the therapist’s practice. (0523, practice management)

Nature and Limits of Confidentiality

This Practice Management Form is designed to define the nature and limits of confidentiality. It is intended to be signed by the client. (0523, practice management)

Value-Guided Decision-Making

Value-guided decision-making can be applied to many areas of your clients’ lives, including career choices, relationships, personal goals, ethical dilemmas, and lifestyle decisions. This worksheet can help them identify their values and apply them when they make decisions. (0523, decision-making, values, problem-solving)

Scope of Practice Form

This Practice Management Form is designed to define the therapist’s role in providing therapy including: qualifications and credentials, description of practice, boundaries and scope limitations, and professional ethics and conduct. It is intended to be signed by the therapist and the client. (0523, practice management)

De-escalation Form for Aggressive Behavior

This form is for schools, outpatient clinics, or inpatient facilities that deal with people who have any type of escalation in aggressive behavior or severe symptoms of overwhelm or distress. This form will help you gather information to develop a de-escalation plan for your clients. (1121, aggression, outbursts, violence)

Supervision Contract

This contract between a supervisor and supervisee details the expectations for both parties as well as the procedures on how the supervision will work. (0321, supervision, practice management)

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