Grief And Loss
Do You Resist Change?

This worksheet is designed to help people who resist change, even when change may lead to the resolution of problems and happier lives. The worksheet gives seven strategies to help people see the benefit of changing. It includes questions for people to answer regarding what they fear about change, what is holding them back, and what are their core values. People are challenged to do at least one activity a week that pushes them out of their comfort zone. (0323, coaching, transitions, symptoms)

Coping with Family Estrangement

This worksheet gives 11 ways to cope for clients to cope with family estrangement while supporting their own mental health. Suggestions include: knowing your boundaries, owning and accepting your feelings, prioritizing self-care, recognizing triggers, and more.  Questions guide people to understand how the estrangement took place and what they are doing to cope with the situation in positive ways. (0323, family therapy, family problems)

Assisting an Older Adult in Coping with a Loss

This worksheet is designed for caretakers of older adults who are struggling with a loss. It details warning signs that might signal that extra attention is needed and recommends specific steps that might help with different kinds of problems.  (0223, elderly, loss, gerontology)

Start the Day Right Journal

This journal consists of prompts to focus people on the day ahead, including thoughts on gratitude, goals, body and mind, etc. The journal consists of 31 pages for a month’s worth of entries. (1222, journal, wellness, positive psychology)

Identifying Cognitive Distortions

This worksheet teaches clients the technique of cognitive restructuring. The different kinds of cognitive distortions are explained and then clients are asked to keep a chart where they identify their automatic thoughts and substitute more realistic alternative thoughts. (1222. CBT. cognitive restructuring thought changing)

Happiness Habits Form

This data collection form helps clients track activities that make them happy for two weeks. (1022, happiness, positive psychology, mood tracking)

Pursuing Happiness

This worksheet helps clients identify characteristics of happy people, assess their own happiness, and expand their experiences of happiness. (1022, happiness, positive psychology)

Developing Your Happiness Intelligence

This worksheet presents a way to make happiness part of a person’s everyday life.  It presents more than two dozen activities that can contribute to a happier life, in categories like: supporting yourself, living in the present moment, and nurturing positive thoughts.  The worksheet includes a chart to help people record the effects of happiness activities. (0722, happiness, depression, content)

Finding Closure on an Upsetting Memory

This worksheet is designed to help people identify when upsetting memories need closure.  It gives four strategies to help find closure on these memories including: create distance, reinterpret, observe, divert and distract. (0522, memories, grief, divorce, loss, healing, PTSD)

Being Still – Mindfulness Worksheet

This Mindfulness Worksheet helps people learn to just be still.  It suggests mindful tasks to practice while being still and asks people to describe their reactions to being still. (0422, mindfulness, meditation, ADHD, anxiety, focus, multi-task)