Grief And Loss
Do One Thing Differently

Clients learn to re-orient their thinking. (1121, problem-solving, solutions, depression, anxiety)

Using the HALT Technique for Self-Care When You Are Grieving

The H.A.L.T. technique is a self-care tool for people who are suffering due to a loss. The technique reminds people to think about their Hunger (eating habits), Anger, if they are Lonely, and determine if their emotions are making them Tired (affecting their sleep and exercise). (0721, grief, self-care)

Coping with Difficult Times After a Loss

This worksheet is designed to help people cope with difficult anniversary dates after the death of a loved one. It provides practical suggestions coping strategies and a chart for people to match these strategies to particular dates. (grief, loss, mourning, healing, 0721)

Helping Children Cope with Loss

This worksheet encourages adults to follow the CHILD technique to help children who have experienced a loss. The acronym stands for: Consider, Honesty, Involve, Listen, and Do It Again.

Becoming Aware of Your Upsetting Thoughts & Feelings

This worksheet helps people examine their upsetting thoughts and feelings rather than trying to avoid them. (0621, anxiety, worry, avoidance, simple solutions)

Write a Letter to Help with Your Grieving

This worksheet is designed to help people find new ways to express their feelings and cope with their grief. (0521. grief, loss, mourning, simple solutions)

How Do You Deal with Emotional Pain

This worksheet is designed to help people build resiliency by understanding how they react to emotional pain. (0421, resiliency, awareness, self-perception)

The Pandemic Grief Scale

The Pandemic Grief Scale is a self-report screening instrument of a dysfunctional grief due to a COVID- 19 loss. There are five questions, each rated on a 4-point scale based on experience in the past two weeks. Elevated scores may indicate that an individual should seek further assessment and/or treatment. (0421, grief, loss, healing, COVID-19 Pandemic).

Talking About What Happened

This worksheet can help people organize their thoughts when talking about an upsetting situation or event. (0321, abuse, self-disclosure)

Coping with Difficult Days After a Loss

This worksheet helps people prepare for difficult days after a significant loss. These days can be triggered by anniversaries, birthdays, holidays, or they can come for no apparent reason at all. The worksheet gives suggestions on how to prepare for these difficult days and develop a self-care plan. (0321, grief, loss, healing, emotional regulation).