Grief And Loss
Are You Grieving Too Long?

This assessment tool will help you determine if a client has Complicated Grief Disorder, a condition where extreme grief over the loss of a loved one is continuing longer than would normally be expected. The tool contains criteria for this condition, as well as an assessment worksheet for clients to help them understand the symptoms of this disorder. Form Type: PDF (0815)

Create a Mandala

This simple art therapy exercise can help people get in touch with the feelings and can be used with clients to start a conversation about their self-image. Many therapists use this activity as part of a healing process. (art therapy, 0815)

Write Down Your Most Powerful Dream

This worksheet asks people to write down a powerful dream from the past. It also asks them to think about how the dream affected them. Form Type: PDF (Quick, NLP, Emotional Intelligence, 0815)

Take a Break

This worksheet encourages people to take a day off from their stress and dedicate that one day to relaxing. (stress management, quick, solution- focused)

Do Something Different

This simple behavior assignment can help people who feel they are stuck in unhealthy patterns. (0815, quick assignment, behavior change)

Finding Joy and Balance In Your Life

This worksheet describes a daily technique to help people be mindful of the positive things in their lives. This technique is particularly important for people who are stressed and depressed, but it should also be considered a resiliency tool which can help you find daily happiness in your life.(resilience, stress management, depression, 0615)

Suicide Prevention Checklist

When you have clients who are suicidal, you naturally want to make sure that you are doing everything you can to insure their safety. This checklist is designed to remind therapists of the critical steps to think about for these clients. Form Type: PDF

Feeling Better Through Spiritual Awareness

This worksheet is designed to help individuals who wish to bring spirituality into their lives as a way to help them with emotional problems and enrich their day-to-day lives. (spirituality, 0515)

The Cost of Avoiding Difficult Feelings

Some people spend a lifetime trying to avoid the things that cause upsetting thoughts, feelings, sensations, or memories. This can help them manage their symptoms, but it can simultaneously lead to a very restricted and unhappy life. This worksheet is designed to help people identify the things that upset them, think about the things they do to avoid being upset, and think about what life would be like if they could overcome their symptoms. This worksheet can be used as a prelude to Mindfulness and other techniques that help people accept and overcome their symptomatic behaviors. (CBT, DBT, 0415).

Dealing with Shame and Guilt

This worksheet is designed for people who blame themselves as solely responsible for a particular situation or event. The form is intended to help relieve the shame and guilt that makes life unbearable. (CBT, shame, guilt, 0415)