Grief And Loss
Accepting Your Feelings When You Grieve

To identify the common feelings that accompany grief and to learn strategies to accept them. (healing, mourning, loss, death, 0719)

Silencing Your Inner Critic While You Grieve

This worksheet is designed to help people who are grieving replace self-critical thoughts with self-compassion. (loss, mourning, grieving, 0619)

Mood Diary

This simple Mood Diary can help clients keep track of their predominant mood each day, what influenced their mood, and what they did in response to their mood. (0219, emotions, log)

Recognize and Appreciate Your Resilience

This worksheet is designed to help people understand the concept of resilience and focus on the character traits that make them more resilient. (Solution-Focused, positive psychology, self-esteem, 1118)

Developing Self-Compassion

This worksheet is designed to help people learn how to be more compassionate toward themselves by imagining an infinitely compassionate imaginary friend, then answering questions as if that friend were talking to them. (self-compassion, depression, anxiety, 0218)

Practicing Compassionate Self-Care

This worksheet helps people learn to treat themselves with more compassion, much like they would treat a loved one in need. (depression, self-care, 0517)

How Do You Want to Be Treated?

This worksheet is designed to help people think about how others can help them with their psychological problems. The worksheet asks them to think about both the things that they want from others as well as the things they don’t want. (depression, social skills, communication, 0417)

Thinking About Emotions Game

This worksheet is designed to help people think and talk about their feelings. Players pitch a penny on the worksheet and then talk about the feeling where the penny lands. The game can be played in a small group or even by an individual. (emotional intelligence, depression, communication, social skills, 0317)

What Has Helped You?

This worksheet asks clients to consider anything that might have helped them in finding solutions to their problems, whether it was something they learned in therapy or something they learned on their own, such as self-help books, advice from a friend, sudden insights, and so on. (0217)

Dealing with Upsetting Memories Through Mindfulness

Many people have recurring memories that they find disturbing. This is a common problem for people who have gone through a trauma, but it can also occur with people who have experienced more common unpleasant events like a divorce, a serious illness, or the death of a loved one. One of the most useful ways to handle upsetting memories is to practice the technique Mindfulness. This worksheet will help people learn and practice this technique. (PTSD, DBT, divorce, mindfulness, trauma, 1116)