Life Coaching
Mental Health Maintenance Plan

Keeping your mental health in check involves a combination of self-care practices, effective coping strategies, and recognizing when it might be time to reach out for professional support. This worksheet helps people keep track of various wellness practices as well as identify the triggers and warning signs of mental health problems. (1223, wellness)

Understanding the Benefits of Exercise to Fight Depression and Anxiety

Many scientific studies have established a strong link between exercise and improved mental health. This worksheet specifies the specific mental health benefits that come with regular exercise and guides people on how to start a consistent and sustainable exercise program. (1223, exercise, depression, anxiety, wellness, habits)

Coping with the Loss of Hope by Using Daily Affirmations

This worksheet explains how hopelessness can manifest itself in a person’s daily life, including physical symptoms, impaired decision-making, and social isolation. It explains how affirmations can improve resilience, self-compassion, and positivity. The worksheet gives instructions on how to create meaningful affirmations and includes a chart for people to see how affirmations can affect their moods and behaviors. (1023. depression, cognitive restructuring)

Do You Feel Like a Failure?

This worksheet explores why some people bounce back from failure while others experience feelings of self-doubt, depression, anger, and disappointment. It suggests 8 ways to overcome the negative feelings that can accompany a failure, including engaging in self-compassion, focusing on the process rather than the results, challenging negative thoughts, and more. The worksheet provides questions to help people explore their feelings of failure and find appropriate strategies to move on. (1023, depression, anxiety, job satisfaction, anxiety)

Calming Cards

There are seven Calming Cards, one for every day of the week. People are asked to practice Mindful Meditation by slowly tracing each image with a finger while practicing deep breathing. This is a simple technique that can be used to practice relaxation and mindfulness. (1023, mindfulness, meditation, relaxation, anxiety, sorry)

Do You Feel Hopeless?

Hopelessness is one of the most serious symptoms of depression. But hope can be regained. This worksheet 7 strategies to regain hope including connecting with others, self-care, engaging in problem-solving, and “arguing the opposite.” (1023, depression, dysthymia)

The Motivation Workbook

This workbook has 20 techniques to help people find the motivation they need to change. Motivation is a much more complex issue than most people, involving at least 12 areas of the brain. This workbook goes well beyond popular psychology concepts of visualization and affirmations, using evidenced-based techniques the workbook helps people set goals, increase flow experiences, improve self-efficacy, overcome doubt, and more. (0823. resistance, change, therapeutic alliance)

Exploring Your Identity After the Death of a Loved One

This worksheet will guide people through the process of exploring their identity after a significant loss. By exploring their personal qualities and engaging in thoughtful self-reflection, people can navigate their grief journey while honoring their unique identity. (0723, grief, self-image, identify, loss, healing)

Flow State Meditation (Audio)

This 7-minute audio is designed to help people get into a state of flow, where even hard work can seem effortless. The ability to achieve a flow state readily can be a key to alleviating depressive symptoms. The worksheet includes a transcript of the audio. (0723, happiness, depression_

Grit Meditation

Grit is a personality trait defined as the passion and perseverance to achieve long-term goals. Grit essentially embodies the concepts of resilience, determination, tenacity, and endurance. This 9-minute audio is designed to help people focus on and foster their grit. (0723, resilience, wellness, success)