Life Coaching
Clarity Meditation (Audio)

This 10-minute audio is designed to help people clear their heads and develop their focus. (0623, audio, cognitive therapy, CBT)

Confidence Meditation

This eight-minute audio focuses on helping people become more confident. It is recommended that people listen to it every day for a week. A chart is included to help people keep track of their listening habits and rate their moods before and after listening to the audio. (0423. anxiety, shyness, depression)

Creativity Meditation (Audio)

This four-minute audio meditation is designed to stimulate problem-solving and creativity. (0323, problem-solving, stuck, stress reduction)

Building Self-Esteem: Mindfulness Exercise

This Mindfulness Practice asks people to think about how they show their competence, how they inspired or encourage others, and how they see daily possibilities in their lives. (0323, mindfulness, self-esteem, positive psychology)

Do You Resist Change?

This worksheet is designed to help people who resist change, even when change may lead to the resolution of problems and happier lives. The worksheet gives seven strategies to help people see the benefit of changing. It includes questions for people to answer regarding what they fear about change, what is holding them back, and what are their core values. People are challenged to do at least one activity a week that pushes them out of their comfort zone. (0323, coaching, transitions, symptoms)

Regain Your Self-Respect

This worksheet is designed to help those who feel that they are unworthy of the love and respect of others. It covers 19 strategies for a person to regain his or her self-respect from learning to say ‘no’ to developing a sense of integrity.  The worksheet includes a simple “test” for people to determine if they need to work on their sense of self-respect. (0223, self-image, depression)

Coping with Failure

This worksheet is designed to help people cope with failure using a 7-step process.  (0123, depression, work issues, self-esteem, self-efficacy)

Changing Your Habits by Understanding the “Four Tendencies” Personality Framework

This worksheet asks people to think about their personality in one of four categories: upholder, questioner, rebel, or obliger.  It then gives 7 techniques to help people can change a habit.  Charts are included to help people track and change their habits  (0123, habits, problem-solving, impulse control)

Help for The Holidays

This workbook contains 15 worksheets to help clients who are struggling with holiday problems like loneliness, family estrangement, depression, and more. (1222, holidays, stress, depression, drinking problems)

Avoiding Holiday Burnout

This worksheet is designed to help people who are over-stressed by the holidays and starting to feel depressed rather than enjoying what the holidays can offer. The worksheet gives 8 recommendations for handling holiday burnout and a series of questions to help people find ways to deal with this common problem. (1222,