Life Coaching
Boosting Your Mood with Music (Mindfulness Worksheet)

This Mindfulness Worksheet challenges people to use music to boost their mood on seven consecutive days. A chart is given to for people to identify specific songs that help improve their mood. (0522, mindfulness, music therapy, emotions, emotional regulation)

Finding Closure on an Upsetting Memory

This worksheet is designed to help people identify when upsetting memories need closure.  It gives four strategies to help find closure on these memories including: create distance, reinterpret, observe, divert and distract. (0522, memories, grief, divorce, loss, healing, PTSD)

Adjusting to Dorm Life

This worksheet is designed to help new college students have a better experience in their dormitory.  It suggests specific ways to deal with roommates while also paying attention to their own wellness needs.  (0522, college, relationships, transitions, adjustment)

Choosing Friends Wisely

This worksheet is designed to help people develop friendships that support their personal growth as well as their overall well-being.  (0522, relationships, social skills, well-being)

Improving Your Self-Esteem by Thinking About Your “Best-Self”

This worksheet asks people to imagine their “best self” as a way to increase their self-esteem. The questions guide readers to think about their positive qualities and exactly what they do when they felt really good about themselves. (0522, self-esteem, depression, positive psychology)

Practicing Forgiveness Using the REACH Technique

This worksheet gives people a 5-step approach to learning how to forgive others in a way that will build positively affect relationships. This technique is highly recommended for use in marital and family therapy. (0422, forgiveness, relationships, communication)

Increasing Self-Control by Strengthening Your “No-Go” Functioning

This worksheet has 9 strategies to help people develop self-control.  A chart is also provided to help people keep track of their “no-go” efforts.  (0422, impulse control, ADHD, addiction, compulsive behavior eating disorders)

Being Still – Mindfulness Worksheet

This Mindfulness Worksheet helps people learn to just be still.  It suggests mindful tasks to practice while being still and asks people to describe their reactions to being still. (0422, mindfulness, meditation, ADHD, anxiety, focus, multi-task)

Discover Your Life Purpose

This worksheet guides people through 10 activities to help them find their “Life Purpose.”  Guided questions help them think about their unique strengths and gifts as well as their values. (0422, values, coaching, happiness, meaning, depression)

The Healing Workbook

The Healing workbook contains 45 Therapeutic activities in 7 sections including Understanding Grief, Self-Care, Healthy Ways to Cope, Receiving Support, Family Relationships, Remembering Your Loved One, and Moving Forward.  Each worksheet has three sections: What to Know, What to Do, and Reflections on This Exercise. What to Know offers background information about the issue(s) being addressed in the worksheet. What to Do features a variety of exercises, including thought-provoking questions to answer, charts to track activities, and questionnaires to complete.  (0422, healing, grief, death, loss)

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