Life Coaching
Solving Your Problems in Five Simple Steps

This worksheet describes a five-step process of solving problems helping people generate possible solutions and take appropriate actions.  (0222, problem-solving, simple solutions, brainstorming, goals)

Map Your LIfe to Make Changes

This worksheet helps people identify the changes they want to make in their lives, the things that are holding them back, and the “bridges” they need to build to get where they want to go. The worksheet uses the metaphor of a map to help people see what they need to create their own future. (0222, problem-solving, goal setting, beliefs, executive functioning)

Mindfully Aligning with Your Purpose

This Mindfulness worksheet encourages people to mindfully consider the purpose they see in their lives. (0222, mindfulness, depression, happiness, goals, purpose)

Coping with Emotional Distress Using the RESISTT Technique

The RESISTT Technique is a DBT technique to help people deal with overwhelming emotions. The acronym stands for: Reframe the Situation, Engage in a Distracting Activity, Someone Else, Intense Sensation, Shut it Out, Neutral Thoughts.  The worksheet helps people understand how each technique can help them in regulating their emotions. (0122, DBT, Dialectical Behavior Therapy, emotional regulation)

How to Stop Unhelpful Rumination

This worksheet is designed to help people who persist in thinking about the same thing over and over again without solving a problem or addressing an issue productively.  The worksheet distinguishes from helpful and unhelpful rumination and helps people understand when rumination becomes excessive.  The worksheet gives 10 tips on how to deal with unhelpful and excessive rumination as well as practical steps to deal with this problem. (0122, OCD, rumination, anxiety)

Explaining the Physiological Effect of Fear and Anxiety (Female)

This infographic reflects a person’s automatic physiological reaction to the presence of something that is perceived as threatening or dangerous.  Useful for explaining the body’s reaction to stress, fear, or anxiety. (0122, stress, panic disorder, anxiety, fear, phobia)

Explaining the Body’s Reaction to Fear and Anxiety (Male)

This infographic reflects a person’s automatic physiological reaction to the presence of a something that is perceived as threatening or dangerous.  Useful for explaining the body’s reaction to stress, fear, or anxiety. (0122, stress, panic disorder, anxiety, fear, phobia)

Reflecting on Past Accomplishments and Setting Goals for the New Year

This worksheet suggests ways for people reflect on the past year using a journal, creating a gratitude list, creating an accomplishments list, and more.  It also asks people to think about their goals and plans for the New Year. (1221, coaching, health, positive psychology)

Responding to Rude Behavior

This worksheet gives people eight techniques to deal appropriately and effectively with rude behavior.

(1021, workplace, relationships)

What Are Your Coaching Goals?

This worksheet is designed to help people understand the process of setting coaching goals and what they hope to achieve in their coaching journey. (1021. Coaching, goal setting)