Life Coaching
Do You Feel Like You Have Failed Yourself?

This worksheet is designed for people who are down on themselves because they have not accomplished all that they wanted. The worksheet helps people see that this attitude is not at all helpful to their well-being and gives them 10 strategies to overcome their habit of self-criticism. (1222, depression, self-esteem, negative thinking)

Coping with Family Drama During the Holidays

This worksheet is designed to give people a wide range of strategies to deal with family problems that typically occur during the holidays. Strategies include setting realistic expectations, self-care, identifying triggers, choosing to accept family members as they are, taking “stress breaks,” and more. (1122, family therapy, holidays, stress management, interpersonal conflict, interpersonal effectiveness)

Cultivating the Habits of Successful People

This worksheet details the habits and skills common to successful people, such as social awareness, networking, a passion for learning and self-improvement, and so on.  The worksheet includes a chart for people to keep track of their success-oriented activities and behaviors. (1122, work, success, motivation, achievement, fulfillment)

Are You Experiencing Gaslighting in Your Relationship?

This worksheet helps people understand the concept of “gaslighting,” a process where someone deliberately and systematically gives someone false information leading them to question themselves and what is true. It explains the seven stages of gaslighting, from lies and exaggeration to domination and control.  The worksheet also gives people a chart to record incidents of gaslighting and to think about how the situations and the outcomes can change. (1022, marital and family therapy, relationships, interpersonal effectiveness)

Are You Empathic?

This assessment asks people to rate statements that would reveal empathy. It then gives an interpretation of a person’s score. This scale was adapted from Baron-Cohen and Wheelwright’s Empathy Quotient. (0922, empathy, emotional intelligence)

Walking in the Forest (Audio)

This 10-minute audio was created to help people cope when they are feeling anxious or stressed. (0922, anxiety, relaxation techniques, audio)

Progressive Relaxation (Audio)

This 31-minute audio created by Dartmouth Health Service will people cope when they are feeling anxious or stressed. (0822, anxiety, relaxation techniques)

Learning How to Calm Down Quickly

This worksheet gives people simple ideas to turn off the “fight or flight” response.  A chart is included to help people keep track of which techniques are most effective. (0822, anxiety, calming, self-calming)

Becoming Emotionally Intelligent at Work

This worksheet explains the basic principles of emotional intelligence and gives 9 suggestions on how people can improve their EQ at work. Follow up questions help people explore how they can improve their emotional intelligence. (0822, work, employee relationships, 

Grounding Meditation

This audio recorded by Dartmouth College Health Service can be used by people who feel overwhelmed by their emotions. It is just over 20 minutes long. (0822, audio, grounding, bipolar disorder, emotional regulation)