Learning to Accept Reality

Learning to accept reality is an important part of living in the present. Distorting reality can lead to depression, anxiety, disappointment in your relationships and more. This worksheet has three parts to help people understand how they distort memories from their past, events in the present, and thoughts about their future. (DBT, CBT, Thought-Changing, 0916)

Loving Kindness Meditation

This worksheet is designed to teach people the technique of Loving Kindness Meditation. Research suggests that this simple meditation can have a long term effect on people’s happiness. (ACT, meditation, happiness, mindfulness, depression, 0616)

Developing Flexible and Compassionate Thinking

This worksheet is designed to help people consider how they think about others. It is designed to help people see that flexible and compassionate thinking can improve their relationships as well as their own self-image. The assessment asks them to rate 20 questions on a 5-point scale. (compassion, flexibility, relationships, DBT, 0516, CBT).

Accepting Your Mistakes and Moving Forward

This worksheet is designed to help people understand factors that led to a significant mistake and to identify what they can do differently to avoid repeating this mistake.

What Is For Dinner, Dear?

How well do you know your spouse or partner? This exercise is deceptively simple. Draw in what you would think is a perfect dinner and also what you think your spouse or partner would say. Then check out your answer with your significant other. Don’t be surprised if you are off the mark. This worksheet can start a discussion of what each of you like or don’t like. (couples, empathy, 0416)

Tell The World!

This worksheet is designed to help people think about what is really important for them to communicate to others. It asks people to design a billboard for the world to see and to identify one specific person they want to read it. PDF (0316, art therapy, communication)

What Troubles Your Partner?

This worksheet is designed to help spouses/partners see how each other’s problems can affect their relationship. It’s designed to elicit empathy and understanding in the relationship. (marital therapy, marriage counseling, relationships, 0216)

Focusing On Solutions

This worksheet will help you start thinking about how you solved problems in the past and how your life can be better today when you make even small changes. Focusing on solutions, rather than dwelling on your problem, can open many new possibilities. (solution oriented therapy, problem solving, positive attitude, 0116)

Your Vision of Your Relationship

This worksheet is designed to help people in a relationship think about the things they really want together and talk about their differences. PDF (relationship, marriage, conflicts, marital counseling, 0116)

What Makes You Feel That Way?

This worksheet can help people gain insight into what triggers different emotions. PDF (1215)