Handling Your Stress Buttons

This worksheet is designed to help people identify the things that cause them stress and develop strategies to reduce each stressor. (stress management, 1115)

Just Scribble

This worksheet can be used for two purposes: to help people relax when anxious or stressed and to help people think about their feelings. PDF (1116, relaxation, insight)

You Decide – Fork in the Road

This worksheet is designed to help people consider the merits of important decisions. (quick, decision-making, 1015)

Make a Movie of Your Life

This worksheet is designed to help people think about and communicate important aspects of their self image. The worksheet asks a people to name a movie about their life and draw a picture of the most important scene.(quick, self image, Narrative Therapy, 1015)

Creating Your Future

This worksheet is designed to help individuals think about their future and see that they have the power to create the kind of lives they want. (quick, 1015, values clarification, goal-setting, motivation)

Looking at the Timeline of Your Life

This worksheet suggests five activities that can help people get a “bird’s-eye view” of their lives as they note events and milestones at different ages. Suggestions include: listing positive events at different stages of life, influential people at different stages of life, anticipating future milestones, and more. (coaching, resilience, 1015)

Give Yourself A Compliment

This simple technique asks people to think about something positive they did each day and give themselves a compliment. Recommended for anyone going through a difficult time, but particularly for people who are anxious or depressed. A positive attitude is an important part of good mental health. (quick, anxiety, depression, resilience, 1015)

Write a Letter to Your Problem

This Narrative Therapy technique is designed to help people externalize a specific problem and motivate them to develop new behaviors to help overcome it. (Narrative Therapy, Quick, motivation, problem-solving, 0815)

Take a Break

This worksheet encourages people to take a day off from their stress and dedicate that one day to relaxing. (stress management, quick, solution- focused)

What Are Your Positive Psychological Skills?

This worksheet is designed to help people see their positive psychological skills and apply them to their current mental health issues. (0815, Solution-Focused)