Setting Healthy Personal Boundaries with Family Members

This worksheet is designed to help people see when boundaries are a problem in their families.  It suggests ways for people to deal with others who are crossing boundaries and suggests things people can do if they have difficulty in establishing personal boundaries. (0422, boundaries, relationships, family therapy,

Do You Complain Too Much About Your Divorce?

This worksheet is designed to help people going through divorce understand if their constant complaining is getting in the way of their growth.  It suggests a 6-step process for people to better understand their complaining and how it can interfere with their relationships. (0322, divorce, communication, relationships)

Become the O.W.N.E.R. of Your Distressing Feelings – A Technique for Dealing with Divorce

This technique uses the acronym OWNER to teach a five-step process for people to deal with the difficult feelings that accompany a divorce.  A chart is included to help people keep track of which techniques are most helpful. (0622, divorce, emotional regulation)

How to Stop Feeling “Stuck”

Many people have the feeling of being “stuck” in their lives.  This worksheet gives people practical ways to make the changes they need to feel they are making progress toward their life goals and feel that their lives are valuable and fulfilling. (0322, depression, happiness, transition)

Dealing with Difficult People

Dealing with difficult people can be a significant stress for many people, but this worksheet gives you practical techniques to help reduce this stress. The worksheet also includes a chart to help you evaluate the interactions you have with the difficult people in your life and determine what helps and what doesn’t. (0322, social skills, relationships, interpersonal skills, DBT)

Practicing the Triple-A Listening Technique to Improve Listening Skills

This worksheet describes a “Triple-A Technique” listening technique that involves:  Attitude, Attention, and Adjustment.  It includes a brief assessment to help people see if they have problems in listening and lists some basic active listening skills.  The worksheet includes a chart to help people practice this technique. (0322, communication, listening skills, ADHD, ASD, Asperger Syndrome)

Solving Your Problems in Five Simple Steps

This worksheet describes a five-step process of solving problems helping people generate possible solutions and take appropriate actions.  (0222, problem-solving, simple solutions, brainstorming, goals)

How to Make an Authentic Apology in Five Steps

Apologies can go a long way to repair a relationship, but only when they are sincere. This worksheet explains the five steps in making authentic apologies showing the other person that you understand how he or she feels and that you want to make amends. The worksheet gives people a chance to practice and reflect on this important social skill. (0122, social skills, apology, relationships)

Managing Difficult Conversations During the Holidays

This worksheet suggests eight ways for people to deal with problems that can occur at family gatherings. It encourages people to set boundaries and to prioritize their own mental health. (1221, holidays, social skills, relationships, conversation)

Silencing Your Inner Critic After a Breakup

This worksheet is designed for people who are experiencing a difficult time after a break-up.  Thirteen suggestions are provided to help people avoid self-criticism and experience self-compassion.  The worksheet includes questions to help people resume an active and fulfilling life after a break-up. (2021, divorce, relationship, break-up, depression)