Express Gratitude to Your Partner

This worksheet is designed to help couples strengthen their relationship by finding ways to express their gratitude towards each other on a regular basis. (couples therapy, marital counseling, gratitude, marriage, 0320)

Understanding What You Can Control In Your Life

This worksheet is designed to help feel understand what they can control in their lives and to develop a sense of self-efficacy. (DBT, depression, Bipolar Disorder, anxiety)

Understanding Body Language

This worksheet is intended to introduce the concept of interpreting body language in interpersonal communication. The worksheet asks people to consider the meaning of body language in their own communication as well as in the communication of others. (communication, marriage, divorce, relationships, 1219)

Using I Statements to Communicate Effectively

This worksheet teaches people to express their thoughts, feelings, and needs more directly using “I” statements. (communication, interpersonal effectiveness, DBT, 1019)

Responding to Relationship Abuse

This worksheet is designed to help someone identify relationship abuse and to find immediate help and support (1019)

Preventing Suicide of a Spouse

This “card” gives people six simple (and highly researched) questions to ask their spouses about suicidal intention. The guidelines make it easy for a spouse to determine the risk as mild, moderate, or high. Directions are clear for a spouse to immediately seek professional help if a spouse indicates he/she is at a high risk. (suicide prevention, depression, 0919)

Decreasing Criticism and Judgment in Your Relationship

This worksheet is designed to help reduce criticism in a relationship and increase support and respect. (marriage, communication, couples, criticism, marital therapy, couples counseling, 0619)

The GIVE Technique for Interpersonal Effectiveness

This worksheet is designed to help clients lower their emotional reactivity and be more of aware of the emotional needs of others. (DBT, 0424)

Mood Diary

This simple Mood Diary can help clients keep track of their predominant mood each day, what influenced their mood, and what they did in response to their mood. (0219, emotions, log)

Talking About Your Sexual Needs

This worksheet is designed to help people talk about their sexual needs and desires with a partner, rather than keeping them secret. (couples, communication, intimacy, sexuality, 0219)