Electronic Communication Policy

This form outlines the policy for electronic communication to ensure the security and confidentiality of treatment and to make sure it is consistent with ethics and laws. (0720)

Excuse Note for School

This letter template can be used if a child or adolescent needs an excuse for school to attend counseling appointments. (0720)

Guest Therapy Consent

The purpose of this form is to allow a guest to participate in a therapy session as a third-party participant. (0720)

Client Referral Letter to Physician

This letter can be used when referring a client to another professional. (0720)

Child and Adolescent Counseling Agreement

This form is designed to be given to older children and adolescents at the beginning of counseling to orient them to the basic purposes of therapy. (0720)

Permission to Obtain or Release Confidential Information

This form can be used to obtain or release confidential information.

Drug Testing Consent Form

This form can be used to obtain consent for drug testing. The form should be modified to fit the needs of the individual therapist or clinic.

Principles of Ethical Payment & Billing for Therapist

This fact sheet describes general ethical guidelines for billing and payment for therapeutic services. It includes links to the specific guidelines of various professional organizations. PDF

Permission to Send Mail To Clients

This form can be used to get permission from your clients to mail them at their home address. Receiving mail can be a confidentiality concern for many clients.

Authorization to Release Confidential Information to Professionals

This form can be used by clinicians to obtain consent to release confidential information to other professionals. (0720)