Relationship Coaching
Coping with Feeling Left Out

This worksheet was designed for people who feel left out or excluded by their friends. It contains suggestions on how to deal with this problem ranging from finding new interests to more direct communication.  Questions help people understand why social rejection may be occurring and a chart is included to help people expand their social circle. (0622, friendship, ASD, Autism, social skills)

Your Wellness Checkup

The worksheet suggests that people do a wellness checkup in 8 areas of their life: safety and security, relationships, environment, mental health, cognitive health, physical health, community, and purpose. It provides a form for people to rate themselves in each area from “in crisis” to “doing great.”

Asking Good Questions

This worksheet deals with the type of communication many people take for granted-asking good questions. The Worksheet review the 3 basic types of questions and 10 points on how to ask good questions that move a conversation forward and make it interesting for another person. (0620, social skills, conversational skills, communication)

Coping with Loneliness and Isolation in the LGBTQIA+ Community

This worksheet is designed to help people in the LGBTQIA+ community learn tools to deal with loneliness as a result of concealment of identity, minority stress, social isolation, and more.  The worksheet gives concrete suggestions on how to connect with others as well as how to deal with problems that are often associated with loneliness. (0622, loneliness, social isolation, LGBTQIA+)

What to Do When You Feel Unappreciated and Undervalued

This worksheet is designed to help people who feel that others are not acknowledging their efforts to be helpful on an ongoing basis.   It provides a dozen suggestions on what people can do to feel better about themselves and those around them.  The worksheet is designed to  help people think about why feeling appreciated is important to them and how they can get the appreciation they seek. (0522, social skills, relationships, marriage, parenting)

Coping with Microaggressions

This worksheet is designed to help people deal with “microagressions, ” brief verbal, behavioral, or situational actions and statements that communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative slights and insults toward members of oppressed or targeted groups. Microaggressions may demean a person’s race, gender, weight, sexual orientation, religion, heritage, age, disability, or health status.  The worksheet describes a process on how people can think about and react to microaggressions. (0522, prejudice, discrimination, diversity, aggression)

Coping with Living Alone After a Separation

This worksheet gives people going through a separation of divorce suggestions on how to deal with this transition and manage loneliness.  There are questions to help people explore how to find new enjoyable activities, how to do tasks and chores that were once shared, what people can do for self-improvement and more. (0522, divorce, separation)

Finding Closure on an Upsetting Memory

This worksheet is designed to help people identify when upsetting memories need closure.  It gives four strategies to help find closure on these memories including: create distance, reinterpret, observe, divert and distract. (0522, memories, grief, divorce, loss, healing, PTSD)

Adjusting to Dorm Life

This worksheet is designed to help new college students have a better experience in their dormitory.  It suggests specific ways to deal with roommates while also paying attention to their own wellness needs.  (0522, college, relationships, transitions, adjustment)

Choosing Friends Wisely

This worksheet is designed to help people develop friendships that support their personal growth as well as their overall well-being.  (0522, relationships, social skills, well-being)