Relationship Coaching
Are You in a Fear Cycle with Your Partner?

In romantic relationships, the fear cycle refers to when one or both of people in a relationship are engaging in unkind or hurtful behaviors during conflict. This worksheet is designed to help people understand elements of their fear cycle, how they respond to fear situations, and how they can break destructive cycles in their relationship. (0821, relationships, marriage, abuse)

Become a Better Listener

This worksheet teaches the Listening Cycle, a research-based approach to helping people become better listeners. (0821, conversation skills, communication, coaching)

Premarital Inventory

This worksheet is to be filled by each person in a couple considering marriage. It is designed to help people explore strengths as a couple as well as potential problems. (0821, couples, relationships, coaching, marriage)

Preparing for a Difficult Conversation

This worksheet helps people prepare for a difficult conversation and reflect on ways they can improve their communication skills. (0821, coaching, communication skills)

Questions to Ask Yourself When Making An Important Decision

This worksheets helps people examine their thoughts, feelings, and biases about specific decisions. (0721, problem-solving, decision making)

Couples Communication Workbook

The workbook provides couples with therapeutic homework assignments to help build a foundation for a happier and more fulfilling relationship. In completing these assignments, couples can rehearse new communication strategies and challenge harmful beliefs, strengthening the insights that surface during counseling sessions. This book offers fifty-two worksheets that will help couples learn strategies to manage their emotions in constructive ways, instead of turning to behaviors that erode their relationship.

Are You Difficult to Get Along With?

This worksheet teaches people the GIVE technique: be gentle, show interest, validate, use an easy manner. It encourages people to use aspects of this technique in difficult interactions.

Are Financial Problems Affecting Your Relationship

This worksheet is designed to help couples identify the communication problems in their relationship regarding their finances. It is intended to help couples develop more productive strategies for resolving their financial concerns.

Communicating for Effective Conflict Resolution

This worksheet is designed to help couples find more productive ways to resolve conflict.

Building a Support System to Overcome Your Problems

This worksheet is designed to help people build a support system to not only address an immediate problem, but to enhance the quality of their lives.