Understanding How Social Media Affects Your Social Anxiety

This worksheet is designed to help people understand how social media can affect their social anxiety. It asks people to keep track of the time they spend on social media and note the positive and negative effects it has on their real-life relationships. (1218)

Are Financial Problems Affecting Your Relationship

This worksheet is designed to help couples identify the communication problems in their relationship regarding their finances. It is intended to help couples develop more productive strategies for resolving their financial concerns.

Do Some Good Pocket Guide

This pocket guide from the UK Mental Health Association has some great ideas to help people help others. It also reviews studies showing how acts of altruism increases our own mental health. (altruism, RAOK, 0111)

Creating a Family Contract

This worksheet is designed to help a person in your family with problems by using a family contract. Creating a family contract will help you addresses your role in your loved one’s struggles, identify the family members specific problems and behaviors, and determine the best strategies for providing useful assistance. A family contract is designed to help a family be proactive in supporting a family member, while still not impeding the person’s sense of self-reliance and self-worth. (contracts, 1118)

Understanding the Point of View of Your Partner

This worksheet is designed to help couples find new ways to show that they understand each other’s point of view. Skills covered in this worksheet include: active listening, responding non-defensively, positive communication. (couples communicating, marriage, 1018)

Reducing Over-Stimulation to Focus on Yourself

This worksheet is designed to help people reduce stress in their lives by paying attention to how much time they spend emailing, using social media, and participating in listening and watching various media. (101518, mindfulness, anxiety)

Using Open Body Language to Connect with Your Partner

This worksheet is designed to couples be more aware of using their body language to connect with their partners in intimate conversations. (couples therapy, marriage therapy, 0618)

Is Your Relationship Affected by Your Deep-Seated Fears?

This worksheet is designed to help people recognize when disagreements are fueled by their deep-seated fears. People are asked to write down situations when a disagreement occurs and note associated triggers, feelings, and fears. (relationships, couples therapy, marriage, 0418)

Sex Addiction – Identifying Your Values

This worksheet is designed to help people recognize the impact of their sexual behaviors on their values. People are asked to write down what they value and think about they can take behaviors with their values. (relationships, sex addiction, marriage, couples therapy, values assessment 0518)

How Do Your Relationship Conflicts Affect Your Self-Image?

This worksheet is designed to assist people in recognizing when their self-image is negatively impacted by the conflicts in their relationship. People are asked to identify the negative self-statements they make after a conflict and the negative emotions these statements evoke. (relationships, couples therapy, marriage, self-esteem, 0518)