The 5 Rs for a Happy Home

This worksheet defines the characteristics of a happy home as Rules, Rewards, Responsibilities, and Rituals. It suggests establishing these at a family meeting and provides a chart for a family to determine the rules as well as the rewards for following them and the consequences for breaking them. (0323, family therapy)

Do You Attract Toxic Relationships?

This worksheet is intended to help people determine if toxic relationships are a problem for them and explore ways to address this pattern. A scorable checklist is included to rate the toxicity of the relationship from moderate to severe.  Then suggestions are given to help people break a pattern of being in toxic relationships. Readers are asked to think about how people from the past may have set the stage for toxic relationships. (marriage counseling, family therapy, relationships)

Coping with Anxiety About Having Sex

This worksheet addresses people who are anxious about having sex.  It begins by asking people to think about the causes of their anxiety, which could include body image problems, shame or guilt, pressure to have sex, past trauma, or other issues. The worksheet suggests topics to talk about with a partner and also specific activities to reduce anxiety before sex.  (0123, sex therapy, sexuality, sexual dysfunction, anxiety, relationships)

Creating Lasting Adult Friendships

This worksheet emphasizes the importance of strong adult friendships for emotional and physical health.  It has 12 suggestions to build strong friendships followed by questions to help people reflect on the ways they make and keep friends.  The worksheet includes a chart for people to record the activities they undertake to foster friendships. (1222, relationships, friendships, loneliness, depression)

Help for The Holidays

This workbook contains 15 worksheets to help clients who are struggling with holiday problems like loneliness, family estrangement, depression, and more. (1222, holidays, stress, depression, drinking problems)

Coping with Family Drama During the Holidays

This worksheet is designed to give people a wide range of strategies to deal with family problems that typically occur during the holidays. Strategies include setting realistic expectations, self-care, identifying triggers, choosing to accept family members as they are, taking “stress breaks,” and more. (1122, family therapy, holidays, stress management, interpersonal conflict, interpersonal effectiveness)

Recovering from Betrayal

This worksheet is designed to help people understand and get past the pain of betrayal in a relationship. Betrayal can come from infidelity, but also from breaking promises, lying, disclosing private and personal information, and more.  The worksheet explains 15 steps to get past the betrayal, from deciding whether or not to stay in the relationship to practicing forgiveness. (1122, relationships, infidelity, betrayal, marriage counseling, family therapy)

Relationship Violence Assessment

This form asks a series of questions to people who are experiencing relationship violence. The assessment goes into a great deal of detail about the specifics of the relationship and the potential for danger. (1022, domestic violence, spousal abuse)

Coping with Gaslighting

This worksheet gives people 10 strategies to deal with gaslighting, a form of emotional abuse designed to cause confusion and self-doubt.  A chart is included to help people evaluate the effectiveness of these techniques in dealing with these distressing relationships. (1022, marriage therapy, relationships)

Are You Experiencing Gaslighting in Your Relationship?

This worksheet helps people understand the concept of “gaslighting,” a process where someone deliberately and systematically gives someone false information leading them to question themselves and what is true. It explains the seven stages of gaslighting, from lies and exaggeration to domination and control.  The worksheet also gives people a chart to record incidents of gaslighting and to think about how the situations and the outcomes can change. (1022, marital and family therapy, relationships, interpersonal effectiveness)