Maintaining Your Identity in Your Relationship

This worksheet is designed to help people maintain their identity as a separate person, while creating intimacy, closeness, and connection with their partner. (couples counseling, marital therapy, marriage, communication, 0520)

Decreasing the Strain on Your Relationship During the Pandemic

This worksheet gives people ideas on how to foster their relationships while living with the stress of the pandemic. It asks people to pick out ideas that they think will be most helpful and then record how they helped their relationships and if implementing the ideas reduced stress. (marriage, communication, couples therapy, pandemic, coronavirus, COVID-19, marital counseling, 0420)

Staying Connected to Others During the Pandemic

This worksheet suggests many ways that people can still stay connected to others during the coronavirus pandemic. It provides a chart for people to keep track of their social activities and asks people to reflect on how this is helping their mental health. (0420, depression, loneliness)

Maintaining a Sense of Humor to Build Resilience

This worksheet is designed to help people maintain a sense of humor during stressful times. Humor has been shown to increase our ability to cope with stress and even improve our immune system. (resilience, COVID-19, coronavirus, pandemic, 0320)

Reduce the Impact of Stress on Your Relationship

This worksheet is designed to help couples understand how stress affects their relationship. It gives them ideas on how to manage stress and support each other in the relationship. (0320, marriage, couples therapy, communication)

Reduce Your Need to Control Your Relationship

This worksheet helps people see that trying to control their partners can can lead to resentment and emotional distance. It is designed to help people find other ways to get what the need in a relationship. (marriage counseling, 0329)

Express Gratitude to Your Partner

This worksheet is designed to help couples strengthen their relationship by finding ways to express their gratitude towards each other on a regular basis. (couples therapy, marital counseling, gratitude, marriage, 0320)

Understanding Body Language

This worksheet is intended to introduce the concept of interpreting body language in interpersonal communication. The worksheet asks people to consider the meaning of body language in their own communication as well as in the communication of others. (communication, marriage, divorce, relationships, 1219)

Pausing During a Distressing Situation: The REST Technique

This worksheet helps people deal with overwhelming emotions by using the REST technique (relax, evaluate, set an intention, take action). It is designed to help people regain control over their emotions. (DBT, emotional regulation, 1119)

Rehearsing Values-Based Behavior

This worksheet teaches the importance of values and on basing goals and intentions on those values. It asks clients to identify their core values, think about goals and steps to live those values, and then rehearse them. (ACT, DBT, 1119)