Social Skills
Anticipating Difficult Holiday Interactions

This worksheet is designed to help people deal with difficult interactions during a holiday event. The worksheet asks the user to think about what kind of difficult interactions are likely to occur and consider positive ways to respond.

Are Your Judgments Causing You Problems?

This worksheet is designed to help people think about their negative judgements and how these affect their moods and behavior. The worksheet asks individuals to think about how they judge others as well as themselves.

Do Not Be Alone

This worksheet is designed to help people see the importance of social activities as an integral part of mental health. It gives individuals a list of possible social activities to do each day. (Asperger Syndrome, depression, social development, 0616)

Developing Flexible and Compassionate Thinking

This worksheet is designed to help people consider how they think about others. It is designed to help people see that flexible and compassionate thinking can improve their relationships as well as their own self-image. The assessment asks them to rate 20 questions on a 5-point scale. (compassion, flexibility, relationships, DBT, 0516, CBT).

Developing a Self-Care Plan

This worksheet is designed to help people take better care of themselves. It will be particularly useful for those spending a great deal of time caring for others. (caregivers, self-care, emotional help, wellness, DBT, 0516)

Positive and Negative Influences

This worksheet is intended to help people evaluate others around them who are positive and negative influences, and to see how these people can benefit or harm them. (peer pressure, addictions, social intelligence)

Tell The World!

This worksheet is designed to help people think about what is really important for them to communicate to others. It asks people to design a billboard for the world to see and to identify one specific person they want to read it. PDF (0316, art therapy, communication)

The Importance of Self-Disclosure Game

This simple game is designed to help people reveal their thoughts and feelings to others and to reinforce the mental health benefits of self-disclosure. It consists of a die with six questions that can be printed and assembled. A blank template die can be used to custom-make other self-disclosure games. (0216, communication, social skills)

Building Your Support System

This worksheet is designed to help people think about the people in their support system and the kinds of support they might be missing. (social support, 0116)

Focusing On Solutions

This worksheet will help you start thinking about how you solved problems in the past and how your life can be better today when you make even small changes. Focusing on solutions, rather than dwelling on your problem, can open many new possibilities. (solution oriented therapy, problem solving, positive attitude, 0116)