Social Skills
You Can Do It! (Teens)

This CBT worksheet is designed to give teens a positive attitude about trying even though something is difficult. (0422, motivation, positive attitude, CBT)

Acceptance of Our Circumstances (Mindfulness)

This mindfulness worksheet helps people accept what happens to them in life, rather than dwelling on disappointment and resentment. (0322, mindfulness)

How to Make an Authentic Apology in Five Steps

Apologies can go a long way to repair a relationship, but only when they are sincere. This worksheet explains the five steps in making authentic apologies showing the other person that you understand how he or she feels and that you want to make amends. The worksheet gives people a chance to practice and reflect on this important social skill. (0122, social skills, apology, relationships)

Using the Belief-O-Meter to See That All Thoughts Are Not Facts

This worksheet is designed to help teens understand that just because they think something is real, that doesn’t mean it is a fact.  This cognitive-restructuring technique can be used to help teens deal with fears and anxiety. (2021, fears, anxiety, cognitive restructuring, CBT)

What is the Snowman Feeling?

This worksheet helps young teen explore their feelings and the nature of mixed feelings. (1221, middle school, feelings, emotions, emotional intelligence)

Do You Spend Too Much Time on Your Phone?

This worksheet describes the “symptoms” of phone addiction.  It provides a checklist of behaviors that might indicate a problem. It also eight suggests on how to become less dependent on a phone if it is interfering with other aspects of your life.  A chart is provided to help people develop a plan to decrease their phone dependence. (1221, phone addiction, addiction, relationships)

Boosting Your Confidence By Becoming a Positive Role Model (Teen)

This worksheet is designed to help teens see the advantages of being positive role models for others. (1121, self-image, self-esteem, role-model, behavior, shyness, anxiety)

Your Most Important Assignment Is YOU Teen Workbook

This workbook is designed to help teens learn a variety of mental health skills to deal with anxiety and depression, as well as other common mental health problems.

Making Emotional Deposits in Your Relationship

This worksheet teaches the importance of making more deposits than withdrawals in a relationship. (0610, relationships)

How Healthy Is Your Relationship? (Teens)

This worksheet asks teens questions to help them determine the characteristics of a dating relationship. (0421, relationship, dating)