Spanish Language
Do You Often Feel Guilty or Ashamed? (Spanish)

This worksheet is designed to help people who are overwhelmed with guilt and shame. It helps people examine the causes of these feelings and what they can do to get closure. It also teaches the concept of self-compassion. (depression, PTSD, bipolar disorder, guilt, shame, self-compassion, 0319)

What to Do When Your Divorced Parents Don’t Get Along (Teens) (Spanish)

This worksheet is designed to help teens know what to do when their divorced parents are constantly arguing and fighting. It helps teens think about how this discord is affecting them and gives them specific directions on how they can stay out of the middle of family problems. (divorce, arguments, family therapy, 1219)

Understanding Body Language (Spanish)

This worksheet is intended to introduce the concept of interpreting body language in interpersonal communication. The worksheet asks people to consider the meaning of body language in their own communication as well as in the communication of others. (communication, marriage, divorce, relationships, 1219)

Talking About Your Sexual Needs with Your Partner (Spanish)

This worksheet is designed to help people talk about their sexual needs and desires with a partner, rather than keeping them secret. (couples, communication, intimacy, sexuality, 0219)

Probable or Possible? (Spanish)

This worksheet is designed to help people develop more realistic thinking about the probability of their worries really happening. (0219)

Mood Diary (Spanish)

This simple Mood Diary can help clients keep track of their predominant mood each day, what influenced their mood, and what they did in response to their mood. (0219, emotions, log)

Increase Your Social Activities (Spanish)

This worksheet is designed to help people who are feeling depressed and even suicidal reach out to others and engage in social activities. (depression, prevention, social isolation, 0219)

Identifying Body Cues to Avoid Overeating (Spanish)

This worksheet is designed to help people with eating disorders pay attention to body cues rather than situational cues when deciding when and what to eat (binge eating, eating disorders, overeating, 1219)

Identifying a Dental Support Partner (Spanish)

This worksheet is designed to help people who have a fear of going to the dentist find a partner to help them get to appointments and give them needed support. (1219, dental phobia)

How to Handle School Pressure – Teens (Spanish)

This worksheet is designed to help teens understand how stress affects their school experience and develop coping strategies to deal with stress. (school performance, anxiety, under-achievement, grades, 1219)