Spanish Language
Do Not Self Medicate with Alcohol or Drugs (Suicide Prevention) (Spanish)

This worksheet is designed to help people who are feeling hopeless and even suicidal avoid using alcohol or drugs to self-medicate. It asks them to look at situations that trigger their urge to self-medicate and to contact a supportive person to help them through this difficult time. (suicide prevention, depression, alcohol abuse, 0919)

Suicide Prevention-Remove Things That Might Hurt You (Suicide Prevention) (Spanish)

This worksheet is designed to be part of a Suicide Prevention Safety Plan. It asks people who have suicidal thoughts to identify the things in their lives that they might use to hurt themselves, to identify people who might help them, and to identify places they could go where they would feel safe. (0119, depression, self-harm)

Understanding Your Stress (Spanish)

This worksheet is designed to help you identify the stress in your life and take steps to cope with it. (prevention, depression, relationships, 0819)

Practicing Self-Compassion While You Grieve (Spanish)

This worksheet teaches people mindful self-compassion as a way to less their suffering while they grieve. (death, mourning, grief, loss, healing, 0819)

Missing Out Because You Are Anxious (teens) (Spanish)

This worksheet is designed to help teens with anxiety disorders tolerate situations that normally they would avoid. (anxiety disorder, GAD, fear, avoidance, 0819)

Keep Engaged with the People Around You (Suicide Prevention Plan) (Spanish)

This worksheet is designed to be part of a suicide prevention plan which should reduce risk and increase protective factors. (0819)

Feeling Less Anxious During School Presentations (Teen) (Spanish)

Esta hoja de trabajo está diseñada para ayudar a los adolescentes a practicar el ejercicio de exposición que puede llevarlos a sentir que pueden controlar su ansiedad cuando se presentan o actúan frente a otros. (ansiedad, ansiedad de actuación, TAG, miedo, 0819)

Understanding and Treating Depersonalization (Spanish)

Depersonalization is a subjective experience in which you perceive yourself as ‘unreal,’ and you may experience this if you have been subjected to temporary anxiety or stress. Chronic depersonalization may occur if you have experienced a severe trauma, or if you have been exposed to prolonged stress or anxiety. This worksheet is designed to help clients understand how depersonalization is affecting their lives and identify techniques to address it. (trauma, PTSD, 0719)

Treat Yourself Like a Good Friend (Spanish)

This worksheet is designed to help people understand the importance of self-compassion and to treat themselves as they would a good friend. (depression, anxiety, addiction, prevention, 032719)

The Value of Helping Others (Teen) (Spanish)

This worksheet is designed to help teens see the importance of empathetic acts. (behavior issues, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, empathy, 0719)