Spanish Language
Facing a Trauma (Spanish)

This worksheet is designed to help who have experienced a trauma develop ways to help them cope with distressing thoughts and feelings. (PTSD, anxiety, DBT, treatment, 0219)

Do People Say You Talk Too Softly? (Spanish)

This worksheet is intended to help people who get constant feedback that they talk too softly. It helps people consider the reasons they talk softly and then take steps to change the way they communicate. (social anxiety, speech and language, 0219)

Dealing with Frequent Nightmares (Spanish)

This worksheet is designed to help people with frequent nightmares learn the technique of positive imagery rehearsal. (sleep problems, nightmares, trauma, PTSD, 0219)

Do People Say You Talk Too Much? (Spanish)

This worksheet is designed to help people identify situations where excessive talking may be affecting their relationships and to help them learn conversational signals that can aid in more appropriate give and take conversations. (ADHD, Asperger Syndrome, relationships, social skills, 0219)

Using Opposite Action to Deal with Difficult Emotions (Spanish)

This worksheet is designed to teach people the DBT skill of “opposite action” where you practice the opposite behavior that you would normally use when dealing with powerful emotions. (emotional regulation, 0119)

What Is Your Attachment Style? (Spanish)

This worksheet is designed to help people determine their attachment style and consider how their attachment style evolved. (0921, attachment style, relationships)

The Stages of Change (Spanish)

This worksheets describes a 5-step model which can help people consider whether they are ready to make a significant change in their lives. (0119, motivation)

Suicide Prevention: Remove Things That Might Hurt You (Spanish)

This worksheet is designed to be part of a Suicide Prevention Safety Plan. It asks people who have suicidal thoughts to identify the things in their lives that they might use to hurt themselves, to identify people who might help them, and to identify places they could go where they would feel safe. (0119, depression, self-harm)

Do You Dissociate or Disconnect from Yourself? (Spanish)

This worksheet is designed to help people understand the nature of dissociative episodes where they feel confused about themselves and their identity. It also suggests ways to help them cope with the stress that might trigger these episodes. (Personality disorder, PTSD, disassociation, 0119)

Understanding How Social Media Affects Your Social Anxiety (Spanish)

This worksheet is designed to help people understand how social media can affect their social anxiety. It asks people to keep track of the time they spend on social media and note the positive and negative effects it has on their real-life relationships. (1218)