Spanish Language
Communicating Your Wants and Needs (Spanish)

This form is designed to assist in becoming more effective in expressing your desires and needs to your partner.

Communicating for Effective Conflict Resolution (Spanish)

This worksheet is designed to help couples find more productive ways to resolve conflict. (couples therapy, problem-solving, mediation, marriage, divorce, marital counseling, 0418).

Commit to Change (Spanish)

This worksheet asks people to explore making positive changes in their lives by pledging to actively work toward their goals. People are asked to create a commitment statement using provided prompts, and then add statements that reflect their own unique needs. They then turn these statements into a commitment pledge. (goal-setting, self improvement, 0518)

Child Custody Handoff Checklist (Spanish)

Handoffs—delivering the child from one parent to another—can be particularly difficult until a routine is established. This worksheet is designed to help parents establish a routine with a minimal amount of discussion until such time both parents feel they can put aside their differences and easily discuss the needs of their child without blaming or recrimination. (divorce, relationships, parenting, 0718)

Changing Faulty Assumptions in Your Relationship (Spanish)

This worksheet is designed to help people see that unrealistic assumptions can interfere with a positive relationships. (marriage, marital therapy, couples counseling, divorce, 0214)

Changing Automatic Thoughts Using a Coping Mantra (Spanish)

This workshop works to replace negative, automatic thoughts with a coping mantra.

Caring Gestures (Spanish)

This worksheet is designed to stimulate a conversation about how children can show that they care for others.

Building Your Emotional Toolbox (Spanish)

This form was designed to help teenagers build an emotional toolbox.

Building Your Confidence (Spanish)

This worksheet gives people ideas on how to improve their confidence by recognizing their skills and talents, understanding how a lack of confidence is holding them back, and creating a self-talk script. (1021)

Building Trust (Spanish)

This form is designed to help maintain a healthy relationship by building or rebuilding trust.