Are You Getting Enough Sleep? (Spanish)

This worksheet is designed to help people understand the importance of getting enough sleep. It gives people strategies to get more sleep and a form to record their sleeping habits for a week.

Adolescent Substance Abuse Questionnaire (Spanish)

This questionnaire is designed to assess the extent and severity of use in order to determine treatment options.

Adopt a Solution Oriented Attitude-Teens (Spanish)

This worksheet is designed to help teens find positive ways to deal with their problems (solution-oriented therapy, coping, 0320)

Getting to School On Time (Teens) (Spanish)

This activity is designed to help teens think about what they have to do to get to school on time and to improve their ability to estimate the time for each activity. It also suggests tips to help them take responsibility for getting better organized and improving their time management. (ADHD, Executive Functioning, 1119)

Is Anxiety a Problem for You? (Teens) (Spanish)

This worksheet is designed for teens to help them determine if they are having symptoms of anxiety and how these symptoms are affecting their lives. (anxiety, GAD, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, 1120)

Using Fidgeting to Improve Your Focus (Spanish)

Using Fidgeting to Improve Your Focus (Spanish)

How to Manage Your Anger (Teens) (Spanish)

This worksheet can help teens develop appropriate ways to manage their anger. (1019)

Feeling Less Anxious About Taking Tests (Spanish)

This worksheet is designed to help students learn a breathing technique to calm their anxiety when taking tests (test anxiety, 1019)

To Date or Not to Date (teens) (Spanish)

This worksheet is designed to help teens deal with pressure from the culture or friends about dating. It helps them understand that their choices are theirs alone. (teen dating, 0919)

Suicide Prevention-Remove Things That Might Hurt You (Suicide Prevention) (Spanish)

This worksheet is designed to be part of a Suicide Prevention Safety Plan. It asks people who have suicidal thoughts to identify the things in their lives that they might use to hurt themselves, to identify people who might help them, and to identify places they could go where they would feel safe. (0119, depression, self-harm)