
Teens have a special way of communicating and learning about themselves, so we’ve made sure that all our therapeutic activities for teens are appealing and engaging to this age group.

To modify the tools, click the ‘Send to Client’ button by each tool to open the Psychology Forms Filler. You can then edit the tool as you see fit and either print it out or send it to a client to be filled out online. Click here for a tutorial on using the Psychology Forms Filler.

We’ve tried to address every teen issue we can think of, and more tools are added every week!

If you are looking for something you can’t find on this site, please let us know by clicking here and our team of writers, graphic artists, and therapists will custom-design it for you.


Letting Go of Anger

This worksheet helps people see how their anger might be detrimental in their lives. (anger issues, 0214)

Lighten Up

This activity helps people see alternatives to getting angry or being upset. (anger control, 0614)

Communicating Without Anger

This worksheet asks people to rate themselves on how well they use 9 basic communication skills. (anger issues, communication skills, 0614)

Saying How You Feel

This worksheet teaches people to state their feelings clearly using “I” statements.

Recording Automatic Thoughts

This worksheet can be used to record dysfunctional automatic thoughts and rational responses.

When Do You Worry?

This worksheet will help people rate their worries at four times during the day (morning, afternoon, evening, and bedtime). (GAD, worry, anxiety)

Labeling People

This worksheet can be used with children and teens to help them see the problem with labeling others. PDF

How Diet Affects Anxiety

This fact sheet describes how common additives in food can affect anxiety. (anxiety, diet)

Being Mindful of Your Anxiety

This worksheet introduces the practice of Mindful Meditation as a technique to deal with anxiety. (Form Type: PDF)

Comparing Points of View

This worksheet is designed to help people see that others may have a different point of view when they are upset. (anger issues, communication, relationships, 0614)