
Teens have a special way of communicating and learning about themselves, so we’ve made sure that all our therapeutic activities for teens are appealing and engaging to this age group.

To modify the tools, click the ‘Send to Client’ button by each tool to open the Psychology Forms Filler. You can then edit the tool as you see fit and either print it out or send it to a client to be filled out online. Click here for a tutorial on using the Psychology Forms Filler.

We’ve tried to address every teen issue we can think of, and more tools are added every week!

If you are looking for something you can’t find on this site, please let us know by clicking here and our team of writers, graphic artists, and therapists will custom-design it for you.


Asking Good Questions

This worksheet deals with the type of communication many people take for granted-asking good questions. The Worksheet review the 3 basic types of questions and 10 points on how to ask good questions that move a conversation forward and make it interesting for another person. (0620, social skills, conversational skills, communication)

The Mindfulness Workbook

This workbook contains 12 worksheets that teach important mindful practices including letting go, being positive, staying in the present, mindful breathing, having healthy boundaries, and more.

Dealing with Losing (Teens)

This worksheet is designed to help teens deal with losing gracefully and with good sportsmanship.  It gives them specific strategies for coping with losing that will let them still enjoy the competition.  (0622, sportsmanship, gaming, games, losing, behavior, social skills, friendship)

Teen Behavior Contract

This behavior contract identifies tasks/behaviors that a teen will work on, rewards/consequences, and a behavioral chart to track progress. (0622, behavior, contract)

Unload Your Problem Backpack (Kids and Teens)

This worksheet asks kids and teens to think about the problems, worries, and upsetting emotions that are “weighing them down.” It uses the metaphor of a Problem Background to help kids and teens identify the thoughts and feelings that are causing them problems and how to let them go. (0622 , depression, anxiety)

Your Life Playlists (Teens)

This worksheet can help teens use music to deal with stress and express their feelings. (0622, music therapy, emotional regulation)

Coping with Loneliness and Isolation in the LGBTQIA+ Community

This worksheet is designed to help people in the LGBTQIA+ community learn tools to deal with loneliness as a result of concealment of identity, minority stress, social isolation, and more.  The worksheet gives concrete suggestions on how to connect with others as well as how to deal with problems that are often associated with loneliness. (0622, loneliness, social isolation, LGBTQIA+)

Boosting Your Mood with Music (Mindfulness Worksheet)

This Mindfulness Worksheet challenges people to use music to boost their mood on seven consecutive days. A chart is given to for people to identify specific songs that help improve their mood. (0522, mindfulness, music therapy, emotions, emotional regulation)

Adjusting to Dorm Life

This worksheet is designed to help new college students have a better experience in their dormitory.  It suggests specific ways to deal with roommates while also paying attention to their own wellness needs.  (0522, college, relationships, transitions, adjustment)

Stop Playing the Blame Game (Teens)

This worksheet is designed to help teens understand that blaming other people for problems does not help any situation.  The worksheet suggests a six-step process for understanding a problem and expressing one’s feelings in an appropriate manner. (0522, behavior, social skills, communication)