Wellness Coaching
Calming Cards

There are seven Calming Cards, one for every day of the week. People are asked to practice Mindful Meditation by slowly tracing each image with a finger while practicing deep breathing. This is a simple technique that can be used to practice relaxation and mindfulness. (1023, mindfulness, meditation, relaxation, anxiety, sorry)

Do You Feel Hopeless?

Hopelessness is one of the most serious symptoms of depression. But hope can be regained. This worksheet 7 strategies to regain hope including connecting with others, self-care, engaging in problem-solving, and “arguing the opposite.” (1023, depression, dysthymia)

Exploring Your Identity After the Death of a Loved One

This worksheet will guide people through the process of exploring their identity after a significant loss. By exploring their personal qualities and engaging in thoughtful self-reflection, people can navigate their grief journey while honoring their unique identity. (0723, grief, self-image, identify, loss, healing)

Learned Optimism A.D.V.E.R.S.E. Events Log

This worksheet teaches the A.D.V.E.R.S.E. model developed by Martin Seligman to teach clients a realistic and optimistic style of thinking. The acronym stands for adversity, beliefs, consequence, disputation, and energization. The worksheet includes a chart for people to use for a two-week period to help change negative and pessimistic thoughts into realistic/optimistic thoughts. (0523, depression, learned optimism)

Confidence Meditation

This eight-minute audio focuses on helping people become more confident. It is recommended that people listen to it every day for a week. A chart is included to help people keep track of their listening habits and rate their moods before and after listening to the audio. (0423. anxiety, shyness, depression)

Using the Brain Dump Technique to Reduce Stress

This worksheet describes a stress reduction technique that involves writing down everything that comes to mind on a particular topic.  A brain dump could include thoughts about a conversation, goals, worries, fears, or a list of things that are bothering you.   The worksheet describes four categories of brain dumps.  It encourages people to use a notebook or journal to practice this technique each day for two weeks and record their feelings. (0122, stress reduction, journaling)

Changing Your Habits by Understanding the “Four Tendencies” Personality Framework

This worksheet asks people to think about their personality in one of four categories: upholder, questioner, rebel, or obliger.  It then gives 7 techniques to help people can change a habit.  Charts are included to help people track and change their habits  (0123, habits, problem-solving, impulse control)

Do You Feel Like You Have Failed Yourself?

This worksheet is designed for people who are down on themselves because they have not accomplished all that they wanted. The worksheet helps people see that this attitude is not at all helpful to their well-being and gives them 10 strategies to overcome their habit of self-criticism. (1222, depression, self-esteem, negative thinking)

Walking in the Forest (Audio)

This 10-minute audio was created to help people cope when they are feeling anxious or stressed. (0922, anxiety, relaxation techniques, audio)

Progressive Relaxation (Audio)

This 31-minute audio created by Dartmouth Health Service will people cope when they are feeling anxious or stressed. (0822, anxiety, relaxation techniques)