Wellness Coaching
Building Inner Strengths (Mindful Awareness)

This Mindfulness worksheet asks people to examine their inner strengths as they relate to conversations, action, relationships, and so on. It asks them to think about how each strength was used and what they learned from “being mindful” of their strengths.  (0322, mindfulness, character strengths, positive thoughts)

Moving On After a Loss

This worksheet is designed to help people who experienced a loss “move forward with hope for the future.”  The worksheet gives specific ideas on what a person can do to move on and provides a chart for them to keep track of the activities they tried and how it made them feel. (0322, healing, grief, loss, mourning)

“Spring Clean” Your Life

This worksheet suggests taking a look at your life the way you might take a look decluttering and cleaning your home.  Suggestions include cleaning up finance, thinking about how you handle elations, reviewing core values, and much more.  The worksheet encourages people to set three goals to work on for their “mental health Spring cleaning.” (0322, coaching, well-being, reflection)

Mindfully Aligning with Your Purpose

This Mindfulness worksheet encourages people to mindfully consider the purpose they see in their lives. (0222, mindfulness, depression, happiness, goals, purpose)

Writing About Your Loss

This worksheet explains the benefits of writing to cope with the difficult feelings that come with a loss. The worksheet includes writing prompts to help people get started. (0222, grieving, mourning, loss, coping, journaling)

Explaining the Physiological Effect of Fear and Anxiety (Female)

This infographic reflects a person’s automatic physiological reaction to the presence of something that is perceived as threatening or dangerous.  Useful for explaining the body’s reaction to stress, fear, or anxiety. (0122, stress, panic disorder, anxiety, fear, phobia)

Reflecting on Past Accomplishments and Setting Goals for the New Year

This worksheet suggests ways for people reflect on the past year using a journal, creating a gratitude list, creating an accomplishments list, and more.  It also asks people to think about their goals and plans for the New Year. (1221, coaching, health, positive psychology)

What Are Your Coaching Goals?

This worksheet is designed to help people understand the process of setting coaching goals and what they hope to achieve in their coaching journey. (1021. Coaching, goal setting)

What Does Wellness Mean to You?

This worksheet is designed to help people understand the concept of wellness and create personal wellness goals. Typical wellness goals include maintaining a healthy weight, reducing stress, increasing fitness, or expanding social activities.

Develop Daily Habits to Support Your Goals

This worksheet helps people develop a plan to develop daily habits which can reduce stress and move them closer to achieving their goals (0821, coaching, goals)