Workplace Issues
Dealing with a Difficult Boss

This worksheet is designed to help people identify the problems they are having with their boss, understand the personality type of their boss as well as their expectations, and then identify realistic strategies to reduce work-related stress. (workplace issues, 0618)

Dealing Effectively with Authority Figures

This worksheet is designed to help people reflect on how they deal with authority figures. It asks people to consider how they have dealt with authority figures as far back as their childhood, and how they are dealing with authority figures in the present. The worksheet also suggests a number of simple assertive techniques. (social anxiety, passivity, shyness, workplace issues, relationships, 1118).

Taking Control of Your Emotions After Sexual Harassment

This worksheet is intended to help people who have been sexually harassed learn that they can take back control over their emotions and heal from their experiences. Specific wellness activities are recommended and a rating scale is provided to assess the effectiveness of these techniques (PTSD, depression, anxiety, 1217)

Building a Support System When You Are Sexually Harassed

This worksheet is designed to help people who have been sexually harassed deal with their emotions by turning to others rather than seeking social isolation. (workplace, PTSD, social connection, 1213)

Reducing Situational Stress

This worksheet is designed to help people identify their situational stress and determine how specific stresses can be reduced. (0817)

Activities That Help Counteract Your Stress

This worksheet is designed to help people identify daily activities which can help reduce the effects of chronic stress.

Interruption Log

Good time management is an important part of reducing your stress. But it is hard to manage your time when you are constantly interrupted by others. Use this form to determine what kind of interruptions you are experiencing and what to do about them. (0517, time management, assertiveness)

Are Your Judgments Causing You Problems?

This worksheet is designed to help people think about their negative judgements and how these affect their moods and behavior. The worksheet asks individuals to think about how they judge others as well as themselves.

Tolerate Stress Mini-Poster

This mini-poster is a humorous reminder that life can be hard at times but we can learn to tolerate our difficulties. (DBT, emotional intelligence, 0616)

Positive and Negative Influences

This worksheet is intended to help people evaluate others around them who are positive and negative influences, and to see how these people can benefit or harm them. (peer pressure, addictions, social intelligence)